Create easily your own boat classifieds site like the popular, and with our ready-made PHP boat classifieds script. Boat Portal is especially designed for boat classifieds listings (power boats, sail boats, yachts, equipment, rubber boats, engines etc.) - it's an advanced and easy to customize php web software for running multi-user boat or yacht classified sites. It comes with an advanced administration panel and boat dealers back end - all the different settings like currency, time zone, boats types, makes and models, boat features and fields associated with them can be easily modified from the administration panel in order to adapt the script to your website and specific project requirements. It comes also with a web installer and can be installed quickly on a server or hosting package of your choice (free installation is also offered on request). This PHP web based software offers different features for both the administrators to manage the site and settings and also advanced functionality for the users like the functionality for the boat dealers to create and manage their own micro sites, email alerts in order to receive email notifications when new boat listings meeting their search criteria are published on the site, saving the boat listings, recommending the listings to friends, sharing the listings on social networks, multi-language support and many others. The advanced administration panel coming with the software allows the administrators to not just manage the different boat portal settings, the dealers, private sellers and boat listings but also provides full control over the website, its structure and content, also statistics and many others. Boat Portal is provided with the full source codes so you or developers working for you can also make modifications in them or add new features if necessary. We offer also a free technical support, free installation on your host (if you prefer that we do it for you) and free powered by removal.
PHP Web Counter-
Visit Analytics is a standalone PHP web counter, which can be used to track the visits of a website and see different web statistics reports like information for the traffic sources, web referrals, search engine visits, visitor countries, mobile vs. desktop traffic and others. It's not using any cookies (so ...