PHP Classified Ads is a php script for creating general classified portal websites, allowing to post classified ads for buy and sell, properties, jobs, cars, events, business opportunities, courses and classes and other categories set by the administrator. It is optimized for speed and performance, fast loading and compressing of the uploaded pictures, improved search engines indexing, sharing on social networks and has a responsive front site layout - the interface is adapted to different screen resolutions and devices like tablets and smart phones. The script comes with an advanced and easy to use administration panel allowing to set the different configuration settings, manage the ads and website pages and content. The navigation in the admin panel is fast and easy (with AJAX technology for no reloading of the pages), interface with tiles and also it has a special mobile version. The software comes with the full source codes (not encrypted), different language translations, free installation and technical support.
PHP Hotel Site is a web system (php script) for creating quickly modern hotel websites.It comes with multiple features in the admin panel for creating and managing the different room types, add the hotel rooms,set the rooms pricing, for the users to search and book the rooms and for the ...