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Job Lister - Free job listing php script

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Job Lister - Free job listing php script php script
Job Lister is a free php job listing script allowing to create simple sites with job offers or for adding a jobs listing functionality to an existing site. It has a front-end with job search form and functionality to browse the jobs by category or by location and also an administration panel allowing the company / administrator to publish jobs on shte site. It includes also functionality for site customization like changing colors, header images and texts, so it can be adapted to different color schemes or projects. The job applications are forwarded by email and there is also a feature to set if the user should be able to attach a CV / resume to the application or not. The Job Lister script is also template based, so new job templates can be integrated and we also offer custom templates integration on request.

Publisher: Job Lister - NetArt Media

Listed in Employment php scripts category

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